What’s On
2016- Nuneaton Dog Training Club

Please see our Facebook calendar

for all our up coming events


Jo Hill Training Courses for 2024 - coming soon

Jo Hill is a renowned competition obedience trainer who uses clicker training. Jo is one of the most respected trainers in the country who uses innovative an insightful methods to training dogs. Jo has a focus on keen and motivated dogs. Handler Places are £40 to include light refreshments (Maximum of 9 handlers per day). Next dates: Saturday 15th June Saturday 27th July Saturday 17th August Saturday 21st September Saturday 12th October Saturday 16th November Saturday 14th December Please contact: ZoeGilbert@outlook.com


Please email the section head for more details, please see the contact us page for contact details. Fireworks/Halloween Close 31st Oct re-Open 8th Nov (Evenings only). Christmas Closure - Wednesday 18th December re-open Sunday 5th January 2025.